Monday, May 10, 2010

Cartoon Characters and Their Real Life Twins.

Broken Graffiti.

Graffiti has taken a new meaning in Brazil. Graffiti artists have been taking their artistic talents to broken down buildings and adding a little flair to them. The rubble and destruction goes from a disaster to a piece of artwork.

Pin Portrait.

Just found an awesome new way to make a self portrait. Russian artist Egor Bashakov created a self portrait using only one inch black and white pins. Up close the portrait just looks like a huge collection of pins with varying pictures, quotes, symbols and sayings. If you step away from the portrait of pins you will see a black and white image of Egor, clear as if he had drew it with a pencil.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Digital Illustrations.

Pale Horse is a graphic designer and illustrator that creates amazingly detailed images. Much of his work is is freelance but he has done work for Nike, Red Bull, Cartoon Network, Vans and much more. All of his illustrations are really interesting and very original. The detail and colors that go into each image is what fascinates me. Visit Pale Horse on his website right here.Add Image

Monday, May 3, 2010

Sand Sculptures.

Found some interesting photos of a sculpture medium that is one of the hardest to work in. Sand sculpting is an amazing talent that creates some amazing works of art. Sand is a very difficult medium to work with because a lot of factors effect the materiel. Sand sculptures also only last a few days or so until they have to be knocked down or are knocked down my mother nature. Here are some of the amazing sand sculptures from this years sand festival in Moscow.

Street Art.

Artists have been painting all over the streets of Brazil. Small paintings that incorporate the everday objects of the street that include, gutters, street signs, holes in the ground, storm drains and much more. The artists of these paintings don't receive credit for their work but do their craft to entertain others for free. More street art can be seen here.

Computer Part Sculptures.

Just found these awesome pictures on of sculptures built from old electronic parts. Taking old objects, taking them apart and reassembling them to make sculptures really captures the phrase, "one mans junk is another mans treasure". The sculptures don't really resemble any parts you would think to find in electronic devices but look like sculptures hand crafted of metal.

Wearable Art.

Eric Testroete an upcoming artist created a self portrait, a giant version of his own head to wear around. Eric used several computer programs to create a three dimensional version of his own head. He printed out his head on a flat sheet of paper and then used a series of lines on which he could fold his head to then reconstruct it three dimensionally again. I think this is a very interesting pice of art because its something that needs to be worn and the art can move. Unlike a painting or a stationary sculpture this self portrait paper sculpture can travel and be seen in different environments.