Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tom Fruin

Tom Fruin makes large steel houses made out of plexiglass tocreate amazing light and color effects.

Meat Sculptures.

Sculptures are created out of pieces of ground up meat and steaks. Dominic Episcopo's work is really interesting and somewhat has a double meaning with his artwork being made out of meat and having a political style.

Pour Paintings

Holton Rower pours paint to create amazing paintings

Sagaki Keita

Sagaki Keita uses small doodles to create lights, darks and shades in famous paintings. The work is amazingly intricate and detailed.

White Sculptures.

An amazing set of sculptures by Odani Motohiko.

Optical Illusions Brought to Life.

Adad Hannah recreated the popular optical illusion drawing by Charles Allen Gilbert into a real setting and photo. The optical illusion stays true to the original optical illusion. The rest of the article can be found here.